Republika Czeczenii w dwie dekady po wojnie: bezpieczeństwo, gospodarka, społeczeństwo


  • Robert Kłaczyński Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie


Czeczenia, konflikt zbrojny, ekonomia, społeczeństwo


The article The Republic of Chechnya in Two Decades After the War: Security, Economy, Society describes in many aspects, including social, economic and security, the situation of this small Caucasian republic that is part of the Russian Federation. The author enumerates and then analyzes the main paradigms of Chechnya’s policy, emphasizing the role and importance of the Teipan society as well as the informal role of the Shari’a, a group of legal principles (including what is particularly important in regard to Chechnya, customary law) regulating behavior and customs in the Muslim world. He emphasizes the growing importance of this small republic, both in the sphere of internal relations and, to some extent, in international relations, as exemplified by the participation of Chechens in the Georgian and Syrian conflict, or Ukraine, which is now heavily publicized by the Chechen social media. In the author’s opinion, the achievements of the Chechen authorities in rebuilding the republic from the war damage, reflected in the creation of a modern urban agglomeration in Grozny, almost from scratch, deserve attention. It is impossible not to notice, however, that all this takes place at the expense of the failure to respect human rights, the lack of respect for the law of the Russian Federation, as well as the actions taken by the republic’s authorities, the nature of which is often criminal offenses. On the other hand, it is difficult not to notice that the Caucasian region has never in its history been an area susceptible to European values stemming from the international achievements in the area of respect for civil liberties and liberties. In this respect, Chechnya is far from only the countries of Western Europe, but even the authoritarian Russian Federation. The author of the publication The Republic of Chechnya Two Decades After the War: Security, Economy, Society also outlines the prospects for further development of the situation in this North Caucasian republic as well as in its closer and more distant external environment, which directly or indirectly affects both Chechnya and the Russian Federation.

