Współzarządzanie miastem z perspektywy wybranych grup interesariuszy. Przykład Łodzi.
współzarządzanie, badania jakościowe, indywidualne wywiady pogłębione, miasto, Łódź.Abstract
Governance is a concept that has been attracting sustained interest for many years. The interest in this idea stems from disillusionment with the ineffectiveness of both the state and the market in overcoming difficulties arising in various areas of social and economic life. In this context, governance aims to be a kind of remedy, allowing to increase the effectiveness of solving contemporary problems. Beyond the national level, the concept is also gaining popularity in the area of city management (local governance). This article aims to analyse the opinions of the representatives of selected non-governmental organisations in Łódź on the role and influence of their associations and foundations on the shaping of urban policies. The empirical basis is individual in-depth interviews. The interviews were conducted as part of the project "Co-created and co-managed Łódź - City Governance I" carried out by the Łódź Foundation.
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