Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa w zainteresowaniu służb specjalnych wybranych państw
The existence of NATO and the Warsaw Pact was the start of intensified competition for spheres of influence. Beneficiaries who were leading those political-military organizations, the United States and the Soviet Union, in the process of implementing their strategic objectives used a wide range of forces and assets owned. Their secret services, whose activities were of total character, took an active part in this rivalry. It is difficult to say what those services were not interested in. They were active participants in the information war, which supported primarily foreign policy and military operations.
Their satellite states, which were of interest to intelligence services because of their military potential, were also involved in the ongoing political and ideological confrontation. One such example was Poland, which was recognized not only by the intelligence of the NATO countries (U.S., Canada, Denmark, France, Great Britain, West Germany), but also by intelligence of its allies (the Soviet Union and East Germany).
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