Aktywność społeczna młodzieży w odpowiedzi na pytania: jak i dlaczego – wykorzystanie metod badań jakościowych do analiz wybranej grupy
Political science research on the civil activity are mostly concentrated on the quantitative approach, the results of such research allow for determining the scale of a phenomenon, comparing the situation on the defined areas, they also provide the possibility to observe tendencies and changes. The aim of the article is to present the use of qualitative methods in the completed research on the civil activity of secondary school students in Kraków, where focusing on the part of a reality allowed for observing the group in context and better understanding of the phenomenon. The article presents basic fortes and weaknesses of the quantitative and qualitative studies, as well as possibilities of secondary data analysis. The analysis results of the study conducted using the observation and interview (individual and group) methods and preliminary conclusions, which can be useful for quantitative research preparation for the 13-16 age group have been presented in the article. The realization of both quantitative and qualitative research does not, however, give a certain answer for all the research questions and brings many new challenges.Pobrania
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