Biogram jako kategoria „polityczności” – uwag kilka
Political science doesn’t have such rich tradition of research made with the use of biographical method as e.g. sociology. Currently this method is being used more and more often by the researchers of social sciences in Western Europe countries. The aim of the article is to draw attention to the place and role of biography as a scientific source for political scientists. The basis for the article are biograms of Poles described in the four subsequent editions of the dictionary Who is Who in Poland (1984, 1989, 1993, 2001). The analysis includes comparing those biograms and answering the question of whether the information contained in them have changed, and what was the nature of this change. For this analysis comparative method was used. The studies clearly indicate the significant qualitative differences in the substantive content of the biographies, which confirms the need of verifying the biographical material over the years. Because of the necessity to maintain objective historical truth, it is especially important in countries undergoing the transition.Pobrania
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