Prometeizm: utopijna idea czy realne narzędzie polskiej polityki wschodniej
The intensification and quality of Polish-Russian relations remains, despite passing years andgenerations, a key issue in discussions about Polish Eastern Policy choices. Successful war
with Bolshevik state in 1920 left Poland independent but has put an end the idea of federation.
It has been replaced with “promethean” conception which genesis should be searched among
Polish emigrational and independence movements of 19th century. The “promethean” idea
was to lead to independence of nations remaining under Russian rule. This conception, with
time, become influential among Marshal Piłsudski’s supporters and was a part of Poland’s
Eastern policy until the Second World War. It harmed the relations with USSR and made
a permanent Warsaw-Moscow cooperation impossible. After the Second War this conception
become a history, an unwanted heritage for new, communist elite. It become again popular
after 1989 and again harmed Polish-Russian relations. The paper entitled “Promethean
conception: an utopia or real tool of Polish Eastern Policy” aims to answer the question about
rationality of this idea, its coherence. It also formulates the broader question if utopia can be
a permanent, well established issue in state’s policy, despite changing reality.
Key words: Poland, Russia, prometheism, history, politics
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