Władza jako pole sił. Rekonstrukcja koncepcji władzy Jadwigi Staniszkis
This article aims to reconstruct the concept of power by Jadwiga Staniszkis. This was done by analyzing her numerous works devoted to the phenomenon of power. The key to their proper reading was the previous recognition of the concept of the field of forces presented in them. Referring to it, it became possible to systematise and coherently present the main assumptions of her theory. They form a specific whole with its proper structure. The main elements of the power concept of Jadwiga Staniszkis were: ways of expressing power, its multifaceted nature, processuality, connection with the state and specific types of its rule -dictates. A complex and multidimensional theory emerged from the reconstruction. The researcher based her on numerous, new concepts, which additionally required the previous analysis themselves.Pobrania
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