Więcej samorządu czy państwa? Analiza programów wyborczych polskich partii politycznych
The restitution of self-government in Poland is considered to be one of the key foundations of the political transformation. In recent years, and in particular during the local election campaign in autumn 2018, we could observe the clash of various concepts related to the assessment of the current territorial self-government activity. Their authors were, on the one hand, the Law and Justice party ruling in Poland since 2015 (within the United Right), and on the other, opposition groups, in particular the Civic Platform, Modern Party and Polish People’s Party. Therefore, the given article compares the views presented by the above-mentioned political parties regarding the evaluation of the current activity of self-governments and the vision of their further role in the polish political system. For this purpose, a qualitative analysis of the content of their electoral programs prepared for the local elections in autumn 2018 was carried out.Pobrania
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