Mrzonki o pokoju. Wojna nemezis ludzkości
The main thesis of the article is as follows: war shares a lasting and unbreakable bond with human life and state politics and, despite the Utopian dreams of never-ending peace, conflicts are the sine qua non building blocks of a country’s policy and the development of the human race. Why? Because a state is an imperfect, yet the most perfect among the civilisationally achievable means of organising the lives of people who, for various reasons, display war inclinations. This paper is a political sciences analysis of the problem from the perspective of history of political philosophy. To achieve the research goal, the author first analyses the Utopian visions of peace ruling over war and the designs of eternal peace, putting forward subtheses on the primate of peace over war and the human drive towards peace which was to be determined by 1). religion, 2). proper upbringing and education as well as the new organisation of a society and its reflection in the federalist project. These theses are debunked and proven to be wishful thinking as each human being and each state have violence in their genetic code.Pobrania
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