Krajowe Plany Działania na rzecz realizacji Rezolucji nr 1325. Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ w polityce zagranicznej Szwecji i Polski
The aim of the paper is to find out how the UN agenda “Women, Peace, Security” (WPS) established in
UN Security Council’s Resolution 1325 of October 2000 is pursued in Sweden and in Poland. The agenda
is considered to be the starting point in building a new architecture of security with an equal participation
of women and men globally, regionally and nationally. Both Sweden and Poland adopted national action
plans to achieve the goals of the WPS agenda. The reading of these documents in the context of Sweden’s
and Poland’s foreign policies shows considerable differences between the two states. Sweden is actively
promoting the WPS agenda in the context of its feminist foreign policy and the activity of its feminist
government whilst Poland adopted its national action plan relatively late. The documents and statements on
the priorities of the Polish foreign policy do not mention the WPS agenda.
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