Information about the situation in the People’s Republic of Poland in samizdat issues of “Lidové Noviny"
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
samizdat, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Lidove noviny, communist regime, censorshipAbstrakt
During the communist regime in Czechoslovakia, strict censorship was present in all media. The recipients of written and spoken information were therefore unable to access genuine free news and were exposed only to the propaganda of the totalitarian regime. One of the illegal ways to obtain uncensored information was to read samizdat periodicals. The creation and sale of samizdat were severely punished, yet there were dissidents who were willing to risk imprisonment and distributed samizdat periodicals. One of the most important periodicals was “Lidové Noviny”. This article examines the question of how the “Lidové Noviny” reported on the situation in the PPR.
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