Reforma systemu informacyjnego w Polsce po 1989 roku. Wybrane aspekty
bezpieczeństwo państwa, bezpieczeństwo informacyjne, zagrożenia, reformyAbstract
Information about certain parameters is always of interest to entities performing, among others tasks in the field of internal and external security of the state. They play a key role in the decision‑making process, which directly transfers into state security. The state information system supporting the activities of the authorised entities of the executive power, as well as non‑state entities, have to play the role of a notification and alarm system. It should be adapted to the changing operating environment of the state, which justifies the introduced reforms. However, in this process, its content cannot be disclosed, with particular emphasis on the HR employees of secret services, agents, databases, directions of operational work, etc. It requires responsibility and rational decisions not to violate the existing information system of the state and the national system of protection of the classified information.
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