Procesy migracyjne a spójność społeczna w III Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Perspektywa pierwszej dekady po transformacji ustrojowej 1989 roku
III Rzeczpospolita, spójność społeczna, kapitał społeczny, migracja, transformacja ustrojowaAbstract
The chapter discusses the relationship between migration processes and the level of social cohesion in Poland during the first decade after the political transformation of 1989. The author describes the emigration processes of Polish people in the 1990s, and identifies differences between this wave of migration and later departures from the country after the accession of Poland to the European Union. The research question of the text is the impact of increased migration processes on the level of social capital and social cohesion in the early years of the Third Polish Republic. The author analyzed the migration policy pursued by the government at that time. The chapter also addresses the issue of the presence of migration concerns in the discourse of individual political parties.
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