The importance of social security on the example of the analysis of selected strategic documents
bezpieczeństwo, bezpieczeństwo społeczne, strategiaAbstract
The aim of the article is to show the importance of social security, in particular the way it is perceived and what role it plays in strategic documents in the field of national security of the Republic of Poland. At the same time, it was decided to focus on four strategic studies and indicate the main similarities and differences. In general, the importance of social security can be seen in all documents, it is present, but the components and main projects, directions of support are different. The social model dominates, focusing on social security, although other aspects are also present, i.e. community and development. In addition, the analyzed, non- military field of social security is most often recognized with economic potential, and, as can be seen in the latest National Security Strategy of the Republic of Poland from 2020, it is treated together with other, non- military fields of security.
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