Działalność ukraińskiego ruchu oporu na okupowanym terytorium Ukrainy
kolaborant, dywersja, najeźdźca, partyzant, ruch oporu, sabotażAbstract
The article is primarily devoted to analysing the activities of the Ukrainian resistance movement in the Russo-Ukrainian war. The general principles, organisation and tasks of the national resistance movement of Ukraine are presented. The basic scope of the research is the analysis of the legal text concerning the functioning of the national resistance movement in terms of subject and object. Also, as far as possible, not only from an objective but also from a subjective point of view, the issue of the active activities of the Ukrainian civil resistance is addressed, as well as the issue concerning the repression of the Russian invaders, against the civilian population in the occupied territory of Ukraine. Finally, the activities of the partisan movement and its cooperation with the local population are summarised.
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