Migracje czy mobilność – case study Holandia
The article focuses on the phenomenon of the mobility, isolation, and differentiation of the emigrant groups or mobile workers, whose status is being regulated by the European law and the internal law of the acquiring country. The example chosen for analysis is the Netherlands. Different categories of Dutch immigrants, solutions used on the Dutch labor market, and elements of the political discourse oriented around this issue have all been presented here. The factors which influence the observable differentiation are: history (migration from the former colonial countries), open European market (migration in order to find work, including the increasing percentage of Polish employees), and the international industrial space. This means that expatriates are a special group among the mobile workers (these are highly qualified workers of the international corporations or institutions not connected with the industry). From the Dutch point of view, finding an efficient and acceptable adaptation policy, which will be beneficial for every social group coexisting in this country is an important challenge.Downloads
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