W poszukiwaniu nowej utopii: idea rewolucji edukacyjnej Jacka Kuronia
The aim of the article is to reconstruct the project of common education revolution ofJacek Kuroń. The base for this concept is found in the conviction that in the modern times,
dominated by globalisations issues, human problems can only be solved globally. This project
in an attempt to find a solution to contemporary problems through education and upbringing.
The critical judgement of the changes taking place in the world at the end of the century
and the previous socio-ideological experience made Jacek Kuroń create the project of “global
education revolution”, intent to change the face of Human and the world. He claimed that
there is a need for a global debate in all possible forms, in order to create a programme of
a common educational revolution, the realisation of which may be an efficient counterweight
to the contemporary, neoliberal globalisation of the world. Implementing the changes may
be initiated only by the proper education movement, presenting itself in the creation of
a new type of schools and other educational facilities, as well as formulation of a new vision
of a grand social change and a deep change of interpersonal relations in the individual and
common aspect, based on social justice. This is a voice of a moralist and humanist, vulnerable
to human harm and feeling responsible for the future.
Scientific paper
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