Ocena III Rzeczypospolitej – płaszczyzna polaryzacji współczesnej polskiej sceny politycznej


  • Joanna Sanecka-Tyczyńska


The assessment of the Polish Third Republic was undoubtedly an important plane of polarisation
of the contemporary Polish political scene. After the post-communist division, in which a key
role was played by the assessment of the PPR, there was a post-Solidarity division, and the dispute axis was found in the assessment of the regime and economic transformation and the
state of the nation under the rule of the Democratic Left Alliance. Lack of decommunisation
and only partial inspection was for many right-sided groups an evidence of the superficiality
of the system transformation and an explanation of many of its imperfections. The political
polarisation was further exacerbated after the Smoleńsk catastrophe of 10 April 2010. Next
to the strongly emotional questions of the causes of the event, there was an increase of the
number of discussions on the functioning and state of the country.
The diagnosis of the political, economic and social reality of the Polish Third Republic became
one of the main programme factors of the political parties before the 2005 elections. The Law
and Justice party had come up with one of the most critical assessments of the Polish Third
Republic. The political programme based on negating the large part of the achievements of
the Polish Third Republic was the main reason of their victory in the elections. The opinion of
the Polish Third Republic also divided a large part of the society. Without a critical judgement
of the reality of the 2005 there would be no victory of the Law and Justice and Civic Platform
- the parties that declare breaking up with the pathologies of the Polish country.

