Jarosława Kaczyńskiego krytyka Adama Michnika w latach 1979–1993


  • Krystian Kratiuk


The article is an analysis of the polemics of Jarosław Kaczyński with Adam Michnik. The first
one took place on the pages of the underground paper in 1979. Both this one and further
polemics of Kaczyński and Michnik point out a clear ideological division of the “Solidarity”
camp, which did not vanish during the 25 years of the existence of the Polish Third Republic.
An analysis of direct polemics of Kaczyński on the Michnik texts, television debates of them
both and the attacks of the “Tygodnik Solidarność” led by Jarosław Kaczyński on the editorial
board of “Gazeta Wyborcza” has been made. An answer has been found to e.g. the questions:
what topics were the subject of the discussion between Kaczyński and Michnik in that time?
What was the evaluation of the PPR by Michnik in texts referred to by Kaczyński, and vice
versa? What was the opinion of both of them towards decommunisation?

