Państwo w przebudowie. Naprawa ustroju politycznego… państwa w programie polskiego „neokonserwatyzmu” w pierwszych latach transformacji ustrojowej. Casus Partii Konserwatywnej (1992–1997)


  • Tomasz Sikorski Uniwersytet Szczeciński


The following article presents the political structure postulates of the Conservative Party
(1992-1997) aiming at the “reconstruction of the state” during the first years of system
transformations (up to 1997). Conservative Party is the main representative of the so-called
neoconservatism (democonservatism) in Poland. In its program, it combines the basis of
conservative axiology, cognitive optimism, acceptance of democracy and the notion of modern rule of law in the state (decentralized with strong public institutions) that is build
on Christian values. The article analyzes the following notions: 1) relationships between an
individual and the community; 2) the position of religion and ethics in public space (including
the model for the state-Church relations); 3) organization of the political structure of the state
(the model, system of government, relations between authorities, judicial system and bodies
of government control); 4) local government model (decentralization versus regional state);
5) economy structure model (liberalism versus restricted interventionism); 6) the idea of
a civil society and state.
Key words: contemporary political conservatism, political parties of the Third Polish
Republic, political system

