Realizacja interesu narodowego w strukturach Unii… Europejskiej na przykładzie autonomicznych agencji regulacyjnych
Regulatory agencies are an original example of cooperation between countries, privateinstitutions and bodies of the European Union. They are an essential link in the development
of sectoral network administration within the European institutional structures. They
can be regarded as a kind of platform for coordinating the activities of specialized offices
of Member States in specific sectors of the internal market. Although the emphasis in the
founding regulations is put on the independence and autonomy of these bodies, they remain
under significant influence of the Commission and the national governments. This latter
phenomenon can be seen in the work of the management boards, which are the main decisionmaking
bodies of the agencies. They are a forum in which the most active representatives
of the Member States present their positions and in which there is a clash of different
national interests and preferences. Undoubtedly institutions such as regulatory agencies also
contribute to the building of the so-called EU identity, but they are still mainly coordinating
bodies in which there is a confrontation of national interests.
Key words: national interests, European Union, regulatory agencies, liberalism, realism,
Scientific paper
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