Europartie jako rzecznicy (nie-)reprezentowania interesów politycznych w UE oraz ich wpływ na (dez-)integrację europejską
The article presents the most important political divisions on the European Union leveland their mutual relations. The right-left wing division has been analyzed. There is also
a reference to the proponents of the European integration and the Euroskeptics in a broad
meaning of the term. The decisions made inter alia based on the analysis of the program bases
of the Europarties and the EP election results allowed for a critical reflection on the interests
of both sides of the argument and their representation adequate to the electoral force. The elaboration is a voice in the ongoing discussion on the EU interests being represented by the
Europarties, which in theory should express the will of the EU citizens and this way affect
the increase of the integration process approval. Their actions in this range can be deemed
insufficient. This is backed by a lack of effective representation channels and the will of the
political elite, blocking the euroskeptic forces from accessing the decision-making process,
which causes even more resistance from the citizens and favors the increase of the negative
attitudes towards the EU. As a consequence, this can lead to the increase of euroskepticism
and the disintegration of the EU.
Keywords: sociopolitical divisions, Europarties, political interests, representation,
European integration
Scientific paper
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