Instytucjonalizacja strategii podejścia całościowego jako odpowiedź Unii Europejskiej na kompleksowość współczesnych zagrożeń dla bezpieczeństwa
The main aim of this article is to analyze the concept of comprehensive approach asa fundamental concept defining the EU common security policy. Application of this concept
to security policy at the EU level has emerged from the theoretically-driven assumption that
security is strongly correlated with development, which generates a security-development
nexus. Therefore, comprehensive approach binds together instruments related to security
policy and development assistance policy. The article presents the multi-dimensional
understanding of the EU’s comprehensive approach. The analysis of the relevant EU documents
and political declarations has been used as a main method. It has been supplemented by the
analysis of literature on theoretical perspectives on a security-development nexus.
Keywords: Comprehensive Approach, Common Security and Defence Policy, Security-
-Development Nexus
Scientific paper
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