The idea of smart city as an element of mechanisms of governance at the local and regional level
smart city, miasta inteligentne, cyfryzacjaAbstract
The aim of the article is to show the role of smart city activities in the exercise of power at the local and regional level. It is also an analysis of the smart city area itself, allowing for a detailed diagnosis of the scope of activity of the cities to which the concept applies. The continuing global trend of urbanization and relocation of residents to larger urban centres and agglomerations means that regional and local government representatives are increasingly influencing the quality of life and effectiveness in solving the most serious social problems. To a large extent, these processes can be supported by solutions based on new information and communication technologies and others, included in the broadly defined area of smart city. This name, defining cities as smart, is increasingly often an important determinant in the development strategies prepared and implemented by regional and local authorities. The phrase "smart city" itself, from being pushed in its initial phase by companies, eventually began to be used also in the guidelines of key institutional entities of global importance such as the United Nations or the European Union and is gradually being taken into account by regional and local authorities defining the objectives of their activities.
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