Polska racja stanu a wyobrażenia Paneuropy w utopijnej powieści Feliksa Burdeckiego pt. Babel (1931)


  • Andrzej Dróżdż Uniwersytet Jagielloński - Biblioteka Jagiellońska


The aim of the article is to study the maladjustment of the paneuropean ideals to the social and
national expectations in the interwar Poland, a fragmentary evidence of which can be found in
the dangerous - in a political sense - philo-German propaganda messages in Burdecki’s story,
and indirectly, also the history of this author - wrongly understanding the national interests.
Burdecki’s literary utopia proves that the ideas sublimed from literary fiction can be useful in forming research questions and analyzing the socially fixed thinking and acting stereotypes.
Searching for good political solutions requires confrontation with thinking stereotypes. Such
is the conclusion of this draft, dedicated to waiting for the realization of the united Europe
Key words: Paneurope, German revanchism, interwar period, Feliks Burdecki, utopia


