Homo Cōnsūmēns. Kulturowy model człowieka… w epoce zglobalizowanego kapitalizmu kognitywnego



The purpose of the article is to make an attempt to understand (in the hermeneutical sense) modern man. According to the author that kind of reflection can lead to many explanations when it comes to the changes in the world and various trends in politics. This task is of course very difficult or even impossible (what author points out) however it is not the reason to fully resing from that kind of reflection. Author indicates that modern technics has a large impact on today’s Homo Cōnsūmēns. He notes that currently perceived phenomena of neuropower and psychopower create a man, adapting him to both the consumer-technical society and the system. In the last part ot the article author reflects on characteristic of Homo Cōnsūmēns functioning in the conditions of modern technics.
