Oligarchizacja mediów w Czechach na przykładzie koncernu Mafra Andreja Babiša
The contemporary functioning of the media is inextricably linked with what is happening in the world of
politics. The case of the Mafra corporation and the behaviour of its owner Andrej Babiš shows how through
the interrelations of these two spheres the media can influence the shaping of political decisions, opinions
or preferences in the elections. The penetration of business and political interests, related informal layouts
and dependencies as well as high media instrumentation allow us to claim that today the process of
oligarchisation of the Czech media is highly advanced. This is connected with the increasing concentration
of ownership of media companies and intervention of the owners into the published content, but also with
changes in journalism itself. The media cease to be a “watch dog” controlling the authorities and caring
about the quality of public debate. Instead, they are creating reality, more and more openly, attempting
to manipulate the public, which results in less and less trust on their part and poses a serious threat to
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